History of Photography: Science, Art, and Blueprints
Learn why some old photos are in shades of blue and how it’s connected to architecture plans!
Citrus Fruit Photography
History of Photography: Science, Art, and Blueprints
Professionalism for Photographers: What Makes a Photographer a Pro?
Exposure: How Bright is Your Photo Going to Be? How Do You Know? How Do You Fix It?
Aperture Priority, Shutter Speed Priority, and Manual. Which Setting Should I Use?
Shutter Speed: What is it? How Do I Use It?
Slow Shutter Speed: Why Should I Use It?
What I Do With Draft Prints
What Gives a Photo Value?
How To: "Read" a Photo (and Use That to Make a Great Photo)!
Skyline Road Project
Welcome to the Citrus Fruit Photo Blog!